Even if you view Astrology as a novelty (which I hope you don’t), you’ve likely heard of the often talked about Mercury retrograde. If so, you’re probably familiar with some of the noteworthy effects: namely, the impact it has on electronic devices, the internet and traffic. But have you ever wondered why we experience issues during the retrograde period? Better yet, what is retrograde – what’s actually happening? Here’s a brief explanation to help along in your astrological journey!
Examining the Word “Retrograde”
The word retrograde literally means to walk backwards. Based on that definition, it’s only natural to assume that, when retrograde, a planet is moving backwards. But that’s actually not the case; it just appears that way. That’s because, here on Earth, we are impacted by the phenomenon of apparent motion, which is different from actual motion.
What is Apparent Motion?
Light years away, there exists a series of star constellations that we refer to as the Zodiac (circle of animals) belt. As the planets in our solar system move in elliptical fashion, each through their respective orbit of the Sun, they appear to move through the signs of the Zodiac.
As the inferior planets, Mercury and Venus, move between Earth and the Sun, they eventually seem to be traveling backwards relative to the Earth’s orbit of the Sun. This describes the phenomenon of apparent motion, which refers to how things appear, as opposed to the actual motion. The reality, again, is that no planet actually moves backwards. Still, this doesn’t negate the reality of experience.
The following situation produces a similar effect as the retrograde period. As a passenger vehicle travels down the highway, it’s flanked by 2 semi-trucks. If they accelerate past the vehicle, it may appear to the passengers that the vehicle is moving backwards. You likely experienced this as a child, especially if you took a fieldtrip on a slower moving school bus. Do you remember how real it felt for that split second – like the bus was literally in reverse?
Why Retrogrades Impact Us?
When a planet turns retrograde, a 3-way relationship is immediately highlighted: that of the Earth, Sun and the retrograde planet. The Earth provides and represents our perspective (i.e. the impact zone). The Sun is of vital importance because its relationship with the planets is what determines the retrograde cycle. As the inferior planets (Mercury and Venus) move between the Sun and Earth and pass the former in zodiacal longitude, they appear to us on Earth to be moving backwards.
As the superior planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto) pass the Sun on the opposite side of the Earth (which places the Earth between them and the Sun), they appear to move backwards from our vantage point on Earth. Thus, we see that the Sun is the common denominator of the retrograde phase.
From an astrological perspective, the Sun represents vitality, consciousness, the expression from the Soul outwardly through the ego, the focus of one’s will, the physical and metaphysical heart, and more. Therefore, when there is a retrograde, our individual and collective consciousness is tasked to integrate better the energy of the retrograde planet. That means we may face challenges relative to the natural expression of that planet.
Mercury Retrograde
At this point in time, people from 8 to 80 have heard about Mercury retrograde, so let’s use it as an example to explain the above statement. As a recap, the retrograde equation involves the Earth (our perspective and ego-consciousness), the Sun (the prime agent of consciousness and giver of light and life), and Mercury (the planet of communication, thinking, learning, commerce, commuting, etc.).
Throughout this cycle, the importance of effective and careful thinking and communication has been brought into our field of awareness. Where we’ve been unable to recognize and respond effectively, we’ve endured greater difficulty. Mercury retrograde screams, “Details – Details – Pay attention to the Details!!!” Thus, it’s especially not a good idea to speed up and attempt to rush through things at this time. Unfortunately, many people fail to understand the latter, which can lead to conflicts at work, romantic relationship tension, automobile accidents, bad business decisions, etc.
The Sun will shine a light on the processes of Mercury to bring to our consciousness areas where we still need growth. If we use the retrograde phase efficiently, though, we can tap into the qualities of Mercury to refine projects that we’re already engaged in and foster growth that can be revealed and enjoyed when the planet moves direct.
Astrology – A Language of Symbolism
The fact that we are impacted on Earth by the perceived relationships between planets and luminaries, reminds us that we live in a realm that is governed by symbolism. Before the Age of Enlightenment, Astrology and Astronomy were considered sister sciences, where the latter dealt with the location, size and proximity of heavenly bodies, and the former provided philosophical insight into the nature of the relationships between them.
We find ourselves today attempting to reunite the 2 pathways. This is of great importance because the 3-D realm we live in is governed greatly by symbolism. Why?? Because it speaks to and imprints the subconscious mind. Without the consideration (a word that means with the stars) of Astrology, we risk living in a world without meaning.
One of the beautiful significances of any retrograde phase is that it reminds us that whether we “believe” in Astrology or not, it’s a very REAL science, just as symbolism is quite real as well.
Deeply Living Life
There are several keys to unlock the code of who and why you really are. One of them is the Natal chart reading, which helps illuminate the nature, tendencies, challenges and strengths you inherited in this incarnation. Then there is the Transit reading that helps you determine where you are right now, as well as assisting with navigating the future.
Because every human possesses inherent value, it’s worth taking time to explore the hidden codes and symbolism that make you who you are. And if you want some help embarking on the journey, reach out to me and let’s talk.
Until next time, know the stars to know yourself!