Astrology is arguably the oldest science known to Man. Despite the best efforts of historians, anthropologists, mythologists and other scholars to provide a date for the emergence of Astrology, the fact remains that there are always breadcrumbs that lead further into antiquity. Because this tradition spans so much of the human timeline, with its influence touching cultures across the globe, there are countless ways to apply the archetypal expressions and their relationships to each other. As you read further, I’ll expound upon the importance of establishing your own means of working with these energies.
Changing with the Times
In any field, art, genre, etc., you’ll find those who consider themselves to be “purists.” For example, in the world of jazz, there are some who would scoff at the genre of “smooth jazz,” which heralds such musicians as Kenny G and Boney James. The purists would argue that this genre has degraded the melodic creativity that is typically associated with more classical forms of jazz, such as found in the works of Miles Davis and John Coltrane.
Regardless of how passionate each side of the argument may be (one that smooth jazz is legitimate and the other that it isn’t), it’s impossible to determine a victor. That’s because the debate is over music, which is like water: amorphous, chaotic and ordered – all in one. Therefore, the only true common ground is that the beauty and relevance of each style of jazz comes down to personal preference, and the associated experiences.
If Astrology doesn’t teach anything else about life and human existence, it’s that – through time and cycles – everything changes. The same reality applies to the study and practice of Astrology itself. As we peer back into the annals of time, we find that its usage is documented as being more fatalistic, which means that the outcome is already predetermined. Thus, the “old world” astrologer (referenced by such titles as Seer, Diviner, Visar, Wise Man, etc.) was more so like a fortune teller.
But times change!
An Evolved Approach to Astrology
While I don’t – wholeheartedly – subscribe to Darwin’s theory of human evolution, I have lived long enough to determine that human existence does and should involve an evolutionary process. On that premise, I can fathom an evolutionary development for Astrology in interpretation, practice and application.
As humans have transitioned from generation to generation, it has become increasingly more evident that the world and Cosmos don’t function in terms of “black and white.” Therefore, viewing Astrology as a science that speaks an archetypal language of polarity, at this present time, may be dismissive and injurious.
If there ever was a time when that old saying, “the Stars impel; they don’t compel,” was applicable, it’s now. But what does that statement mean? To impel is to drive within, while to compel is to drive with. The subtle difference between the two is quite significant. By the Stars impelling us, it means that their archetypal energies run through and within us. However, if the Stars compel us, it suggests that we are carried along, controlled, and move with their expressions. In other words, to be compelled by the Stars is to relinquish the working faculties of your individual will.
If Astrology is subjugated to just being fatalistic and reflective of how we are compelled, then we are simply sheep who are led to and froe by the aspects formed by the Stars. Thus, every time there is a Full Moon and the elliptical band formed between the Sun and Moon is stretched to a point of tension, all of us should rightfully act like maniacs.
A more evolved way to view this matter is that if we allow the energies to take hold of us (compel), we can certainly become the “maniac,” acting in a purely animalistic fashion when a certain amount of tension is applied. But we don’t have to behave in such a manner. The fact that the Zodiac wheel reflects a sacred dance between personal will and fate, provides a clue that there is a way to be in flow with the Cosmic energies. So although we are impelled with these expressions, we have the free will to determine how we will work with and learn through them.
Your chart, then, is much more than a map of how and when the Universe will constrict and punish you. Neither is it a means of identifying just how lucky you were at birth to have no problems. Instead, it is a syllabus for your Soul’s education in this lifetime, highlighting strengths and challenges that you have the privilege of learning how to navigate – if you so choose.
The Astrological Life Coach
By taking a psychological and evolutionary approach to Astrology, your understanding of your chart and how transits affect and trigger growth and healing points, reveals the Life Coach that has always been with you – secretly teaching you from afar.
And as you took your first breath at birth, you inhaled the course syllabus and employed your internal Coach. It has been working behind the scenes all along, trying to get your attention.
The thought process that I have tried to convey here represents my approach to how I practice Astrology, coach clients, and attempt to utilize this complex language in my everyday life. As an Aquarian, the last thing I want to hear is that I have no say in the flow and outcome of my Soul’s journey. My hope for you is that you’ll either adopt or remain in sync with this way of viewing the Cosmos and your place in it.
In doing so, you’ll be able to “Know the Stars to Know Yourself.” If you want to take an in-depth look at your birth chart or revisit your chart through a Transit Reading, here’s a discount code (valid until August 31, 2023) to apply when checking out: furnace.
As always, Know the Stars to Know Yourself!