On September 14th (8:39 pm cst), we’ll have a New Moon at 21 degrees and 58 minutes of Virgo. How could the energetic signatures possibly play out? Coming up, we’ll unpack this so you can better navigate your personal Astrology and life!
What a New Moon Represents
In a previous post, I used the analogy of a stretched rubber band to describe the Full Moon. Conversely, the New Moon represents the collapsing of the two poles of the rubber band upon each other, with no tension but, instead, potential. Astronomically, the Sun and Moon occupy the same degree in the sky at the time of the New Moon. Astrologically, this is a time of initiation.
Thus, we seed intention on a New Moon, as this period is synonymous with fertile soil. And in this soil lay potential that unveils itself in different cycles: 14 days, 6 months and 15 years (for a Progressed New Moon).
Clues Around the New Moon in Virgo
Astrology is a rich language that will often reward those who pay adequate attention to the clues it provides. Therefore, it is worthwhile to recognize any patterns that may emerge. Here’s an example of a noteworthy pattern regarding the upcoming New Moon at 21 degrees of Virgo: the Sun and Moon will be conjunct the degree at which Mercury turned retrograde on August 23rd (21 degrees), which was the first day of Virgo season.
In reference to the above, here are some points to be mindful of:
- Planetary retrograde is a time when a planet is closer to the Earth and its energetic signature is amplified.
- Mercury is the planet of communication, thinking, short-distance travel, reason, information and electronics. Thus, matters concerning these areas of life will be amplified.
- The Sun and Moon, as luminaries, are symbolically shining their lights of intent upon the same degree (21) that Mercury stationed retrograde.
- Mercury will move direct on September 15th, at 5 degrees of Virgo, and reach 21 degrees on September 29th.
I must also add that Mercury rules 2 signs, Gemini and Virgo. While in Gemini, Mercury is more so the inquisitive student and wondrous child. In Virgo, it represents the responsible adult who seeks to do things just right and place matters in order.
This provides a clue as to how we can effectively work with the energy of the New Moon and Mercury retrograde: to take a Virgoan approach of putting things in order. This is a great time for organizing your house and automobile and establishing some order around your finances and health.
A Prime Time for Manifestation
While our current system of Astrology works with 12 signs, we’re really looking at 6 axes, as each sign has an opposite or complement. And just as the wheels on a vehicle operate in tandem, so do the opposing signs in the Zodiac. The opposite of Virgo is Pisces, which is a sign of dreams, imagination, illusion, fantasy, magic, art, etc.
At first glance, the signs of Virgo and Pisces represent the absolute antithesis of each other, one rational and the other as irrational as it gets. The irony is that they support each other. If there is no imagination, then Virgo can be confined to a hamster wheel, just working and serving with no room for creativity. Conversely, if the pendulum swings too much to the side of Pisces, there can be a harmful disconnect from the earthly realities of life, and nothing would ever get accomplished.
However, if we utilize the upcoming New Moon and Mercury’s retrograde effectively, we can set the stage for a dream to materialize and manifest on “Earth as it is in Heaven.” As I mention in my book, that which we choose to manifest must first be imagined. The imagination (Pisces) leads to a philosophy – “a why,” which should next be followed with “the how” (Virgo).
If you’ve been sitting with a dream, now is your opportunity to organize the energy around it so that it can manifest into 3-D. Then, as Mercury arrives at 21 degrees at the end of September, you can possibly begin to see the initial fruits of your efforts.
Navigating the Cosmic Tides
If you need help steering your ship in the cosmic waters, I’m always here to help, whether through a Transit Reading and/or Coaching. With the right understanding of how these energies specifically apply to your chart, you can move in a more empowered manner.
As always, Know the Stars to Know Yourself,