On August 30, 2023 (8:35 pm cst), we’ll have a Full Moon at 7 degrees and 25 minutes of Pisces. Coming up, I’ll explain what a Full Moon represents and unpack some of the themes we may be dealing with. If you have your birth chart handy, take a look at it to see what parts of your life may be affected.
What is a Full Moon?
When there’s a Full Moon, the Sun and Moon have a 180-degree relationship to each other. In Astrology, this aspect is referred to as an opposition. At this time, the Moon appears to be emitting light, but it’s actually reflecting the Sun’s light.
Because Astrology functions greatly on symbolism and conveys the metaphysical phenomenon of “As above, so below,” we are impacted on Earth (below) by the opposition of these two luminaries (above). And the light shown by the Moon is revelatory – bringing to prominence what has been developing in darkness.
Furthermore, we are imbued with a sense of tension (opposition) at the Full Moon. Just as the Moon appears to be full and enlarged, so is the impact felt on Earth and within our bodies. Thus, the waters on our planet and in our bodies tend to swell at this time. Because of this reality, it’s ill-advised to undergo surgical procedures, including dental extraction, during a Full Moon. That’s because there can be more intense bleeding, difficulty healing, and a greater chance of complications.
Although Astrology may be scoffed at by many, it’s a well-known fact that police departments around the country plan for an uptick in violent crimes, automobile accidents and other disputes during a Full Moon. In a past conversation with the principal at my children’s school, I learned that educators have come to anticipate students being a little more anxious at this time.
The Full Moon – A Culminating Period
Another way to view the Full Moon is as a culmination of what began at the New Moon (in the same sign) six months prior. In this instance, it was on February 20, 2023, at 1 degree of Pisces. Two weeks later, Saturn made its ingress into the sign of Pisces. Let’s take a brief detour to acknowledge the significance of both occurrences.
The New Moon represents a time of seed planting. This can be literal (i.e. farmers planting new seeds) or metaphorical (the seeding of new intentions). For more about this, consider my book, A Layman’s Guide to Manifestation. It should also be noted that the Pisces New Moon is excellent for planting new agricultural seeds, as the Northern American soil is moist and well-suited for growth at this time of year. Symbolically, the same can apply to a new idea or intention.
The Moon in Pisces can be quite imaginative, sensitive and dream oriented. Therefore, this was an excellent time to plant seeds around something that was envisioned or imagined.
Were you planting any seeds around that time??
Then Came Saturn
When Saturn entered Pisces on March 8, we could say that it came to offer a dose of reality, and to set boundaries so that the dream could be realized. As mentioned in my book, Saturn represents the first law of manifestation: that a dream or idea floats on the astral plane of the Collective Unconscious and doesn’t become reality until it is netted or captured. Therefore, as an agent of boundaries and limits, Saturn in Pisces can be used to apprehend a dream, positively.
Negatively, Saturn (also the planet of karma and time) can raise fears around themes of limitation and trepidation about the future. So the question is, how did you work with these energies back in February?
What types of seeds did you plant?
The Full Moon, at 7 degrees and 25 minutes of Pisces, on August 30, represents a culmination of the efforts put forward back in February. That doesn’t mean that the absolute final result is realized at this time. A better way to see it is as a mid-term exam to get an evaluation of the seeds planted at the end of winter.
What You May Feel
With the Moon in Pisces, you may feel sleepier than normal. Maybe you’re feeling a bit scattered, or more sensitive. There could also be an overwhelming feeling of reality kicking in, as Saturn is retrograde at 3 degrees of Pisces, just 4 degrees from the Full Moon.
Possibly, you feel an urge to listen to some of your favorite music. As I’m typing, I’m listening to some jazz on Pandora; it works beautifully for me when I’m writing.
The Full Moon in Pisces can be a bit challenging because it represents the opposition between the rational and ordered expression of Virgo, and the boundless wonderings of Pisces. This can bring about a tinge of frustration, especially if you have a lot of 6th house placements, your Sun, Moon or Ascendent in Virgo, or a Virgo stellium (3 or more planets in the sign of Virgo).
One of the best things to do today is let go – in a healthy manner, of course. If you took the initiative back in February and honored the requirements of Saturn to lay a solid foundation, trust that despite the tension that you may be feeling, everything is under control.
Astrology is a complex yet beautifully rich language. If you need help navigating your birth chart and life by understanding this language, I’m here to help. There’s 1 more day to take advantage of the August discount code – furnace – on any of my readings.
As always, Know the Stars to Know Yourself!