When I began studying Astrology, one of the first things I learned was, “The stars impel; they don’t compel.” Whether you’re familiar with this or not, we will unpack its meaning – at least from my humble perspective. Additionally, I hope to present to some and reiterate to others the importance of never giving away your powe
Will vs. Fate
Astrology presents the totality of existence in fragmented form – shards. This is not done to promote confusion and perpetual division. Instead, it aims to reflect the vastness of all creation through a network of folds and layers. And in each layer, the totality of the Divine still remains, just as the entirety of the ocean exists in each drop of its water.
We begin by focusing on one of these layers – involving the polar relationship between will and fate that exists in the Zodiac wheel. This is established by dividing the wheel with the vertical, meridian line. The ‘will’ is on the east side of the line; thus, it is ante (before) meridian, as in where the Sun rises in the morning.
The keynote sign of will is Aries (the natural sign on the 1st house cusp), ruled by the planet Mars. And the latter represents the assertion of the will, the sense of “I AM.” As the familiar saying goes, “Wherever you go, there you are.”
The significance of this is that your inherent power begins with your sense of I-AMness. Another way to frame this is that the first house, naturally associated with Aries and the planet Mars, is the seed of your existence. From an agricultural standpoint, the seed contains all the raw ingredients to become what it is destined to be. The rest of the Zodiac wheel, then, serves to cultivate that raw seed.
Your power begins with having a healthy understanding of who you are. As a side note, one of the main questions people are often exploring when they receive an astrological reading is, “Who am I?” Subconsciously, we incarnate with a longing to know who we are!
Because in discovering who you are, you find your source of power. Quite possibly, this is what is referred to in the Christian Bible story of Ezekiel discovering a “wheel in the wheel.” We could posit that the greater wheel is the Zodiac, and Ezekiel finds himself (his wheel-will) in the midst of it.
On the west side of the Zodiac wheel (post – after meridian), the Sun is setting and falling into the night sky. As it relates to fate, it represents the effect of the cause, which is also referred to as “what is said, will be.”
The Zodiacal side of fate is associated with the sign of Libra (the natural sign on the 7th house cusp), ruled by the planet Venus. This is where the I AM-will is shared with that which is other than itself. This sharing places limits on the will’s expression and its power.
The key takeaway here is that although the power seems to decrease, the phenomenon of fate on the western side of the Zodiac wheel is more complimentary than oppositional to the ego seed. As presented earlier, the entire Zodiac wheel is conspiring to cultivate the seed and promote its evolution.
The Threat to Your Power
When you initiate any type of relationship, it can seem to threaten your I AM; and there are countless relationships that you’ll embark upon in life. Even when you reach out to an astrologer to receive a reading, you are forming a relationship with the practitioner; therefore, you are dancing with fate.
And this is where a fine boundary line must be established and maintained. In one regard, you must agree to being open to the findings of the astrologer. But still, you must never give up complete control of your ability to participate in the unfolding of your life’s energies.
Astrology provides a multitude of tools to use to navigate life’s journey. Given that it’s a science of time and cycles, Astrology offers a myriad of timing techniques, including the Solar Return, Secondary Progressions, Annual Profection, Transits, Electional Astrology, and more. These tools can be a gift and a curse.
One of the main gifts of having access to the above is that you’re able to see what phase of life you’re moving through at any given moment. They also provide the means to make decisions from a more empowered and informed perspective. The life cycle represents fate, while your response to it catalyzes and cultivates the power of your individual will.
The curse is that the timing techniques can leave one hamstrung by hesitation, unable to live fluidly, and fearing the unknown. Furthermore, an obsession can form, where there is too much preoccupation with trying to control life.
Because the world is becoming increasingly unpredictable, astrologers are more in vogue and sought after. Part of the surge in interest in Astrology is the innate fear (associated with the Martian I AM) of not surviving, the potential of enduring pain, and the possibility of experiencing failure.
If the vibrations of either of the latter three become too strong, the client can fall prey to approaching the astrologer defeated and powerless. Thus, the power that the Universe granted the individual, encased in the I AM – seed – will is placed in the astrologer’s hands. Therefore, he or she becomes, in that 60 or 90 minutes, the client’s deity.
This type of mentality can lead to asking such questions as:
- Will I ever find love?
- Should I be in this relationship?
- Will I ever have children?
- Is this the right person for me?
- Should I quit my job?
In my opinion, these and other similar questions can serve as a gateway to completely relinquishing your power. Again, this is something you should never do!
A Healthier Way
The more evolved approach to take is to first look for the astrologer to identify how you show up in any of your major life decisions, because “wherever you go, there you are.” Starting with the nature of the initial seed encasement – I AM – will, the astrologer can help you see how you relate to your money (2nd house), conscious thinking and expression (3rd house), family and home (4th house), personal creativity (5th house), and day-to-day activities (6th house). These are the personal houses that begin on the side of will (east) and migrate to the side of fate (west), but still they focus on YOU.
If these can be highlighted effectively, then the answers to the other questions about your life can be left to you to make an adequate determination. This approach leaves you in the driver’s seat, where you should be – empowered.
The bottom line is that we can’t sidestep pain, disappointment or failure. For these undesirables represent where the true magic of “becoming” is found. The hidden beauty is that when you’re going through a major life change and solicit the guidance of an astrologer, if you’re willing to approach the situation with open eyes, you can gain insight into what your own chart (Soul) is calling for you to do in a particular season of your life.
The statement that, “the stars impel,” means that we all have archetypal energies running through us. However, these energies don’t actually “compel” us. In other words, they don’t really make us do anything. The transpersonal (Jupiter, Saturn) and outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), especially, create situations for us that allow us to make decisions and to determine whether we will flow with them or resist. Therefore, the amount of pain or triumph experienced can be relative.
This is the dance between will and fate. Furthermore, it’s the equation for true power. The astrologer can assist in guiding you through this journey.
If you’re wondering what phase of life you’re moving through, or what time you’re existing within on the grand clock, give me a buzz. I’d be glad to provide an in-depth and empowering reading!
As always, know the stars to know yourself!