It could easily be said that Astrology is going through a renaissance period. More and more, on billboards, in television commercials and all over the internet, there is mentioning of Astrology. There is also a rise in Astrology-related products in retail stores. Is it just by happenstance that Astrology’s popularity has exponentially grown over the past five to six years? Is this the mere result of another internet fad that will blow into town and right back out like so many other “trends?” Or maybe it’s good ole capitalism providing another means of stirring the marketplace. As you continue reading, I’ll give my take on the matter and demonstrate why I think Astrology is so important – especially right now!
We Live in Cycles
As hard as our Western culture has tried to convince us that our reality is linear, the Ancients regarded all existence on Earth and in the Cosmos as circular. If we pay close enough attention, the evidence of this is all around us.
Each year, the same set of events unfold. We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, ceremonies, etc., based on the understanding that they will eventually circle back to the same day. We even track time on a circular device called a clock.
The ultimate clock, though, is the Cosmic Clock – Astrology. It lets us know where, when, what and how we are in the Universe, simplifying our search by placing us on a circle.
Revolution is Inevitable
Don’t worry – I’m not about to go on a rant about how the people need to rebel against the status quo (although my Sun is in Aquarius and my Ascendant in Sagittarius). The true meaning of revolution is for a cycle to complete, which should lead to unveilation (a word I made up to combat the misuse of the word ‘revelation’).
When a cycle completes, something that may have been hidden should come to the light (unveiling). And for the record, revelation really means to ‘hide again’ or re-veil. But back to the matter at hand, we are living in revolutionary times; several cycles are concluding.
Here are a few to ponder on:
- Saturn – Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius, December 2020 (200-year cycle) – Started a new 200-year cycle where the two planets will primarily conjunct only in air signs
- Saturn – Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius, December 2020 (800-year cycle) – The first time the two planets were conjunct in Aquarius since the 13th century
- Saturn – Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius, December 2020 (20-year cycle) – A 20-year span between each Jupiter-Saturn conjunction
- North node in Taurus, January 2022 – The beginning of a new 19-year cycle
- Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces – The culmination of a 166-year cycle
On another occasion, I’ll go into greater depth about the above transits.
Amazing Times to be Alive
Some people would argue that the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction was the start of the Aquarian age. Personally, I agree; I think it serves as a strong indicator of our wave-like shift into the heralded sign of the water-bearer. And because of that, I think Astrology will only continue to gain in popularity. In fact, if formal universities still exist in the next 15 years, I predict that Astrology will be included under the banner of liberal arts – like it used to be before the Cartesian era ushered in the age of Industry.
Specifically focusing on the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, a flood of spiritual energy is permeating the planet that will drive people to suddenly awaken to desiring higher knowledge – consciousness. On the downside, depression, feelings of emptiness and disillusionment will be at an all-time high. We can expect to see increased use of narcotics, hallucinogens, alcohol and other means of bypassing the harsh 3-D reality (no judgment – I’m just following the Astrology).
Unfortunately, there will likely be massive flooding, as the concept of “As above, so below – as within, so without” is a definite and real phenomenon.
But what does that mean??
Neptune is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Poseidon, the god of the sea. Thus, the applicable element is water. Jupiter is the planet of expansion (these planets share rulership of the sign Pisces). When Jupiter and Neptune form their conjunction, you can expect there to literally be more water on the planet (i.e. flooding).
Thankfully, for all that appears to be negative, there are apparent positives. Water represents emotional and Soul intelligence. Therefore, this conjunction brings HOPE, something that humans desperately need.
One such ray of brightness is the growing desire for people to know more about themselves and their place in the Cosmos. It just so happens to be that time in the Divine cycle – circle – revolution!
Astrology serves as a tool for the awakened Soul to locate itself; it’s a Universal GPS system. If you’ve been developing a growing interest for understanding Astrology at any level, then chances are you incarnated here at this time for the Great Awakening!
About the Author
The founder of 720 Astrology, Jamal Robinson practices a unique brand of Astrology that incorporates Etymology, Numerology, Kabbalah, Metaphysics and various other modalities to unveil hidden jewels of the Soul. To learn more about Jamal and the array of services he offers, visit his website.