On September 25, three days after the autumnal equinox, we had the New Moon in Libra. To be perfectly honest, this is my favorite time of the year. I always get a certain “feeling” during this period. Maybe it’s the fact that I was born in the cold of winter, and the cooler fall air reminds me that my time of the year is approaching. Or maybe it’s that autumn triggers echoes of whistles blowing, pads colliding and sweat flying during my days of playing football. Either way, I love this time of the year. As you read further, I’ll explain the Astrological significance of this New Moon and give you some tips for managing it!
The Scales Balance
Like the vernal equinox, the first day of fall begins with an equal amount of sunlight and darkness (i.e. balance); thus, the sign of Libra is represented as the balancing scales, from which our justice system derives its symbolism. Also synonymous with the idea of balance is that of relationship, an area of great focus for Libra’s ruler, Venus. In this sign, the feminine Venus takes a more expressive (masculine) approach to love, differing from the internally (feminine) directed love in her rulership of Taurus.
To be in relationship is to outwardly express or share (Libra) the love that one possesses (Taurus). Therefore, desires may arise for the balance that comes from having a partner to share and relate to. There may also be an urge to express the artistic side, set things in order, or consider the other side of a matter.
The Challenge
With the New Moon forming its conjunction with the Sun (at 02 degrees of Libra) on September 25th, the scales were definitely balanced, as retrograde Jupiter sat at 03 degrees of Aries. This reminds us that sometimes being amicable and equitable aren’t good enough solutions; sometimes there must be a severance – a cutting. The challenge with this New Moon is to find the balance between when to balance and when to cut; when to seek compromise and when war is inevitable; when to push ahead, as an individual, and when to subdue the personal will for the sake of partnership.
This isn’t New
We’ve collectively been dealing with balancing the “I am” (Aries) with the “we are” (Libra) since the end of August, when Mercury was at 04 degrees of Libra, opposing Jupiter at 04 degrees of Aries. The former would later turn retrograde and again oppose Jupiter on September 19th and 20th. By no means is this an easy transit, with the degree of severity depending on the structure of each person’s birth chart.
As the month of September concludes, we have the Sun moving into an opposition to Jupiter. Then, moving direct, Mercury will oppose Jupiter for the third time (at 01 degree of Libra) on the 12th and 13th of October.
It’s Just Like Working Out
Weathering an opposition is similar to working opposing muscles in the gym. Let’s use the biceps and triceps as examples. When the elbow flexes, the biceps are worked, but when the elbow extends, the triceps become the primary movers. Even when the primary muscle group is engaged, though, the opposing one is still helping to support the movement. In other words, if you didn’t have functional triceps, you wouldn’t be able to get the full contraction of a bicep curl, and vice versa.
Astrologically, that means oppositions aren’t always about finding the “right” direction or achieving perfect equilibrium. Instead, it’s about understanding that both sides hold significance. Thus, the following must be called upon to know how to move at a given time:
- Courage
- Intuition
- Patience
- Reflection
- Consideration
If you’re struggling to make a decision right now, keep in mind that the thinking planet, Mercury, is retrograde and will exit its shadow on October 18th. That means that, for now, rash decisions should be avoided. Give it some time and allow the answer to appear. Then, when it does, utilize the will, drive and courage of Jupiter in Aries to plow ahead.
About the Author
The founder of 720 Astrology, Jamal Robinson practices a unique brand of Astrology that incorporates Etymology, Numerology, Kabbalah, Metaphysics and various other modalities to unveil hidden jewels of the Soul. To learn more about Jamal and the array of services he offers, visit his website.