At the time of writing this, I am 45 years old, a time of transition in my life – in several ways. As I navigate this transition, I can’t help but reflect to being 5 years old, crouching down to hide on a hot and humid summer afternoon inside my father’s study, at our home. It was July 30th, 1982, and it was my father’s 45th trip around the Sun. My mother had invited family members over to our house for a surprise celebration. As my father walked into the house with his briefcase in hand, we leapt from the floor and bolted from his study to yell, “Surprise!!”
The Midpoint of Life
Astrologically, the planet Uranus has, roughly, an 84-year transit. That means when we arrive at the age of 42, the natal placement of the planet is in opposition to its position at birth. This is the literal beginning of the window that is referred to as the “midlife crisis.”
The latter, ‘crisis,’ should not be viewed with fear based on our connotative understanding of the word. It means, etymologically, “scratch, cut, scrape.” Thus, a crisis is a Universal itch that needs to be scratched, as in something that needs to be unveiled.
At 45, as I reflect on my father’s navigation of the same age, I don’t know what all he may have been wrestling with at the time, but I would imagine that he was contemplating the following:
- Am I a failure?
- How long will I live?
- What will be my legacy?
- What have I accomplished?
- What have I done with my life thus far?
- What would my life be like if I had done this or that instead?
As Uranus, the planet of awakening, freedom, rebellion, sudden change, volcanic eruption, electromagnetic shockwaves and surprise, stands in opposition to itself, the above themes and more can come to the surface.
Partly because it represents a turning point in our lives where we are tasked to get more meaning out of our existence and launch further into the mission of transformation.
Continued Reflection
In my Natal chart, I have Saturn at 13 degrees of Leo, the Sun at 13 degrees of Aquarius, and Uranus at 11 degrees of Scorpio. Thus, with transiting Uranus at 13 degrees (moving to 14 degrees on April 22nd) of Taurus, I have been “nailed to the cross,” which is referred to as a Grand Cross in Astrology. That means I have endured Uranus transiting 11 to 13 degrees for the past year, May 2021 – April 2022. For more dramatic effect, I have been in the proverbial “meat-grinder.”
Without question, I have been experiencing the growing pains of the “midlife crisis,” and my oh my, has there been some mighty scratching, scraping and cutting. But still I stand, hopefully wiser, stronger and more resilient.
The Future
Another word that aptly describes the energy of Uranus, as the modern ruler of Aquarius, is the future. With the personal planet, Mercury (the messenger), serving as the lesser octave of Uranus, I have received many messages through my day-to-day experiences that have been serving as the building blocks of the future, or what is referred to in Kabbalah as “the world to come.”
Many of you are either traversing this same path in your life at present, preparing for it, or reflecting on this transit that may have happened years or decades ago. Taking a moment to contemplate these themes, plants the seed of empowerment and thrusts you further into the ultimate realization of yourself. This is an expression of what the ancients described as, “Man know thyself.”
Take the Reins
When I’m reading for clients, one of my primary goals is self-realization for the purpose of empowerment. If the waters of life are looking a little murky, be not dismayed. The Universe is, more than likely, priming, scratching and scraping to help you get to your core essence. And that’s, ultimately, a beautiful thing!!
About the Author
The founder of 720 Astrology, Jamal Robinson practices a unique brand of Astrology that incorporates Etymology, Numerology, Kabbalah, Metaphysics and various other modalities to unveil hidden jewels of the Soul. To learn more about Jamal and the array of services he offers, visit his website.