If you’re online long enough, you’ll likely run into one of these advertisements. You know – the super exuberant person, touting special abilities to help propel you to a life of riches and utter bliss. And oh yeah, they just so happen to be holding a FREE conference in your city where they’ll explain, step-by-step, how you too can achieve a life of perfection, just like them! Many of these people refer to themselves as coaches. But as you read ahead, you’ll discover a deeper sense of what a coach is supposed to be, and how it aligns with the language of your birth chart.
What the Word ‘Coach’ Really Means
As I often tell people, I’m a “word nerd.” I am fascinated with the origin of words, because having a glimpse into their DNA initiates a sort of communion with the ancient minds that developed them. Furthermore, it sheds light on the symbolic significance of a particular word, which helps shape and empower the speaker. With that in mind, let’s look at the word ‘coach.’
Etymologically, it aligns with the word ‘carriage,’ the latter being traced to the Indo-European root kers I. Phonetically, kers is quite similar to the word ‘cars.’ Well, as a testament to this synchronicity, we find that kers I is also the root of the word ‘car.’ It is defined as ‘run.’
Now that we’ve established the denotative meaning, let’s revisit how we connotatively use the word ‘coach.’ We typically think of it as either a person who is the leader of a sports team or any group of people who are seeking advancement in some area of their life. The word is also used to reference a vehicle that carries passengers to and froe.
If you really think about it, based on what we know about this word, the coach is quite like the cells in our body. The latter have light code information from the sun running through them. But at the same time, they are carrying or transporting the light.
Astrology – The Original Language
In the distant past, the German culture referred to the stars as “little tongues.” Symbolically, this links speech and language (from the Latin lingua, i.e. tongue) with Astrology, which itself is the language of the stars (fire).
When the birth chart is reviewed, we are taking a glimpse at the words that were spoken when we took our first breath. They represent the kindling of a flame (fire), and the beginning of this cycle of incarnation into human form. Those words amount to aspects between the heavenly bodies that make up our natural predisposition. As a side note, this gives a completely different perspective to the phrase, “In the beginning was the Word,” but we’ll save that discussion for my upcoming book.
While the birth chart reading provides insight into the original conversation within the psyche, the effects are ongoing. Furthermore, the back-and-forth between the angles (angels) of light continue throughout life. Yes, we all have voices in our head!
How This All Relates to Coaching
In my humble opinion (and of course, I’m biased), a proficient Astrologer, who also has practical life experience and a broad perspective, can potentially be an excellent coach.
This person is constantly emersed in the language of light. Given the correlation we’ve established between the word ‘coach’ and the transportation of light, the astrological coach is one who helps to facilitate the movement of light, the state of becoming, and the knowing/understanding of one’s own light code language.
Returning to the physiological reference made earlier, think of the light as cells that comprise the human body. As a collective, we’ve learned to approach wellness from a more granular standpoint. Therefore, we evaluate our health at a cellular level. We are discovering more and more that our wellness literally starts with the condition of our internal light bodies (cells).
Thus, “true” coaching amounts to much more than just encouraging clichés and an updated lease on hope in response to the challenges of life and Soul evolution. Instead, it allows for a deep analysis of your light code language, and the creation of a plan that is truly personalized to fit your needs.
720 Coaching
I’ve recalibrated my coaching program, as to make it accessible to more of my Astrology clients. If you visit the Life Coaching page on my site, you’ll see a full description of this service. Like every other service I provide, the driving force behind it is personal evolution and empowerment. Whether you’re looking to manifest an improved tomorrow or heal from past misfortunes, what matters most is what you do right now! I’m here to help.
About the Author
The founder of 720 Astrology, Jamal Robinson practices a unique brand of Astrology that incorporates Etymology, Numerology, Kabbalah, Metaphysics and various other modalities to unveil hidden jewels of the Soul. To learn more about Jamal and the array of services he offers, visit his website.