On March 8, 2023, Saturn made its ingress into Pisces, a transit that is one of the highlights of March and the year 2023. I recently published a short video on TikTok (@720astrologer) and a longer form version on YouTube (@720astrology), discussing 10 things that we may see unfolding over the next 3 years. You’re invited to go check out these videos – and, of course, to like, share, follow/subscribe, and comment. But since you’re here, I’ll go ahead and provide a synopsis of what I had to say!
#1 – Prosperity Out of Fantasy
In the May 2, 1938 edition of the New York Times, an article was published, titled “Prosperity Out of Fantasy.” It was in reference to the meteoric rise of the Disney corporation, fueled by the recent release of Walt Disney’s first full-length movie, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” Ironically, while Disney was rising, the U.S. economy was taking a nosedive.
The Disney corporation’s success displayed one of the ways the Saturn transit in Pisces can express: the structuring (Saturn) of a dream (Pisces). It’s quite fitting, then, that a corporation built around fantasy (Pisces) would, during this transit, solidify itself (Saturn) as a giant in the entertainment industry.
#2 – Corporate/Government Sponsored Insanity
Saturn (associated with governing bodies) in Pisces can express through the lens of organized mental illness (Pisces). A key area to examine is media (etymologically means ‘magic’). It’s no secret that the major media outlets are controlled by huge, corporations (Saturn). And as the years have gone by, these entities have consolidated to form even larger conglomerates, dispelling the idea of a free market that promotes competition and equanimity.
As mental illness becomes a prevalent issue over the next 3 years, media corporations and governing bodies could very well play an integral role in its unfortunate rise.
#3 – Organized Fearmongering
As an extension to item 2, we may very well see a coordinated effort to promote fear over the next 3 years. But why??
From a metaphysical standpoint, our Earth is alive and evolving. It has been slated to transcend the denser state that it has occupied for the past few million years, and to shed its old skin. This shedding process is similar to the transformed butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. There are certain forces that would like to prevent this happening. Therefore, understanding the metaphysical implications of fear, we can expect to see an uptick in fear-based communication.
This is because the emotion of fear can’t coexist with healthy and natural growth. Living in a prolonged state of fear and the associated unhealthy stress, eventually affects the spirit, mind and body. When you’re frightened, the body’s fight or flight response is stimulated. This causes the expression of stress hormones, increased blood pressure, heart rate, blood vessel constriction and more. To live in this constant mental state is, itself, a recipe for sickness and disease. Unfortunately, we may see an increase in fear-based rhetoric over the next 3 years.
#4 – Uptick in Propagandized Movies
If there is a coordinated effort to promote fear, then we could very well see Hollywood play a significant role. As the primary hub for film and fantasy (both associated with Pisces), Hollywood, and the very dominant corporate structures (Saturn) that run it, may play an integral role in driving home a desired way of thinking.
That’s because movies, through their ability to occupy the conscious mind, have relatively free access to the subconscious mind of individuals and the collective unconscious mind of the masses. If there were a new agenda to promote, there is no better way to go about it than through movies.
#5 – Legalization of Narcotics
According to Vital Strategies, “Oregon began implementing the Drug Addiction Treatment Recovery Act (DATRA, commonly called measure 110) and became the first state in the U.S. to decriminalize small amounts of drugs for personal use.”
Astrologically, when we think of legality, there are three signs that can apply: Libra (the scales of justice); Sagittarius (the greater truth, i.e. judgment); and Capricorn (the governing, ruling body that issues and enforces laws). As the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn represents the action of the legalization of narcotics (Pisces).
Are the happenings in Oregon foretelling what is to come during Saturn’s transit in Pisces, from 2023-2026? If narcotics are decriminalized in other areas, and maybe the entire country, what is the real reason behind it? Is it an innocent attempt to soften the response to narcotic abuse, or is there a long game that the common man and woman aren’t privy to? For the sake of reference, Hollywood has been predicting this in dystopian movies for at least 4 decades.
#6 – Banks Dissolving
If you’ve been paying attention to the news, then you’ve likely already heard of the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. The bank is the edge or boundary of the water. Saturn, in its role as limiter, is associated with banks, and Pisces represents the mutable waters of constant change (i.e. currency). Pisces correlates to the action of a solvent, breaking down what was previously coagulated.
That means we may very well see more banks collapse over the next 3 years.
#7 – Boundary Changes
Continuing with the theme of Saturn as a limiter and agent of boundaries, and Pisces as mutability, there could be changes in city, state, regional or national boundaries. For example, there may be new issues surfacing around border security, especially in the southwest of the U.S. To put it more plainly, we could hear new reports of the border being overrun.
#8 – Imaginary Currency
With digital currency, in its several forms, already being a hot-button topic, we could be witnessing the end (Pisces) of currency as we have known it. Meaning, fiat-government-issued (Saturn) paper money may be approaching the end of its life cycle.
While the existing fiat currency is said to be backed by oil (once backed by gold), the new currency will be even more Piscean (imaginary), originating from somewhere “out there,” and leaving humanity more fused (Pisces) than ever before.
#9 – Old Traditions Dissolved
As the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn is associated with traditions and their maintenance. However, in the sign of Pisces we can expect some old ways of living to cease. And because of that, Saturn can play an integral role in structuring tomorrow – manifesting the future.
In Pisces, Saturn is challenged to grab what has been learned in the previous cycle, while not being held hostage to it. This leads to understanding (stand under, i.e. the feet – Pisces) and the arrival at solutions. The assessment of what has been learned, endured and tested, now contributes to the future formation of a new identity (Saturn in Aries).
#10 – The Increased Importance of Epigenetics
I often recommend the book, “The Biology of Belief,” by Bruce Lipton. A book written in simple language, it dispels the old belief that we are bound by our genetics. It explains the significance of one’s environment and how it factors into gene expression. In a nutshell, our habitat takes precedence over our genetic predispositions.
This is significant, given that Pisces represents the Cosmic pool where all boundaries are removed. Thus, all is experienced at once. Depending on the type of energies that interact, certain structures (thought forms) will eventually emerge.
This brings several things to mind:
- To be mindful of contributing positive energy to the environment we live within
- The importance of protecting ourselves from negative energies that may float by in the Cosmic pool
- The need to carefully structure our thoughts and words, understanding how they reverberate and return to us
- To set aside time for intentional and structured visualization
- To form bonds with like-minded people
Whenever a slower moving planet changes signs, we can expect monumental changes in the way we experience and conduct our lives. There is no denying the fact that humanity is shifting, evolving and becoming something new. Over the next 3 years, pay attention to see if the above mentioned scenarios emerge on a macrocosmic level.
To get an indication of how this may play out for you, individually, I’m available for a transit reading. In conclusion, let us not forget how Walt Disney practiced alchemy during the Saturn transit in Pisces in the 1930’s to create prosperity out of fantasy. As the world continues to change, remember that you still possess your own set of magical powers!
So until our next chat, be sure to take time to know the starts to know yourself!