If we’re completely honest, over the past two years, each of us has likely experienced some measure of fear. After all, the fear frequency has been permeating the atmosphere all over the planet. Given that we are living in the times of the “Quickening” on planet Terra (Earth), how are we to respond in our individual lives? Are we to give into the lower vibration of fear? And what exactly is fear? As you continue reading, we dive deep into this subject!
What is Fear?
As I often tell my clients, I am a word nerd; I absolutely love studying the origin (etymology) of words. In doing so, I’m left feeling more secure about my expression and understanding of the reality my Soul has been thrust into.
The word ‘fear’ can be traced back to the Old English faeren, which means to terrify (tremble i.e. move). Interestingly, the root of the word ‘tremble’ and ‘terrify’ is ter, just like Terra – Earth. Yes, the Earth is alive – moving – trembling. And somewhere, deep in our subconscious, we are always aware of this.
To further bolster this, we’ve had a Saturn-Uranus square throughout 2021. Uranus, the planet of awakening and liberation, is in its fall in Taurus, an earth sign. With this placement, earthquakes (violent earth trembles) can happen. The mere thought of this and the other calamitous activities that COULD happen can elicit the lower vibration of fear – one of paralysis.
“What does this mean, Jamal?” you may ask.
The paralyzing effect that we commonly associate with fear is the antithesis of the etymology of the word: to tremble – move to and fro. Thus, we can liken paralysis to a lower expression of the word ‘fear.’ The higher expression is to move about – be active – be respectful of energy. In doing so, we become ambassadors of Terra – Earth and co-creators of our existence.
Fear as Water
The association of fear with movement naturally leads us to consider water, as it is the elemental representative of movement in the Zodiac and our lives. We are composed of over 80% water, and for any body of water to remain healthy, there must be movement. When water stands still, it becomes toxic. Thus, MOVEMENT is HEALING. We are moving through a phase of healing on the planet Earth, and yes, it is chaotic. But, at the helm of it all is The Force, seeking to know Itself through you and me.
This is important to keep in mind at times of melancholy and despair. Sometimes, the most damning feeling is one of purposelessness, which can lead to utter hopelessness.
Fear Elevated to Faith
The term ‘faith’ is often associated with organized religion, but it’s actually quite universal in its scope. It derives from the Latin fide, which means trust. The latter refers to a binding principle – a Great Truth, grand philosophy-wisdom, hope, etc. (Jupiter in Sagittarius). When we remember that each of us has a purpose and destiny (MC and North Node in your birth chart), and that our Universe is an evolving organism-consciousness, we are able to transfer the lower vibrations of fear to its higher expression, which aligns with faith-hope.
In these uncertain times, we are all being challenged to Know Thyself. In doing so, we are allowed to peer into the mysteries of the Cosmos and co-create our realities!
About the Author
The founder of 720 Astrology, Jamal Robinson practices a unique brand of Astrology that incorporates Etymology, Numerology, Kabbalah, Metaphysics and various other modalities to unveil hidden jewels of the Soul. To learn more about Jamal and the array of services he offers, visit his website.