The internet is ablaze with “gurus” giving advice on how to manifest the type of life or experiences that you desire. While a lot of it is regurgitated and repackaged information, the act of consciously manifesting certain realities is quite real. It’s just that we are so inundated with “life-stuff” that our role in manifesting our current situation, positive or negative, can often go unnoticed. As you continue reading, we’ll look at a directed and individualized way of focusing your energy to remain in flow, using your birth chart as the schematic to work from.
Learning How to Assess Your Energy
It is my belief that the birth chart partly represents a contract that is agreed upon before birth. In this contract, you will find the details for how to continue in your evolutionary process. Borrowing an acronym from a recent client, the birth chart can be summarized as a series of AFGO (another f***ing growth opportunity) arrangements.
Therefore, it’s important to study your own chart for the rest of your days. By diligently doing so, you can discover hidden jewels that you previously may not have noticed.
Here are just a few details you can look for:
- Empty houses (where there are no planetary activities)
- Hard aspects (grand crosses, t-squares, squares, oppositions, quincunxes, etc.)
- Favorable aspects (trines, sextiles)
- Dignity (exaltation, fall, rulership, detriment)
- Chart pattern (locomotive, bucket, bowl, splash, hourglass, fan, splay)
While these are just a few of the key details that can be assessed in a chart, they serve as a great starting point. For example, where you have empty houses may represent areas of your life that you can focus on applying conscious effort to cultivate the energy. Personally, my 7th house has no planetary activity, which is a clue that in this life I would need to hone my one-on-one relationship skills.
Therefore, if I’m looking to manifest certain realities, I must remain cognizant that “no man is an island.” According to my contract, I must learn in this life to think from a balanced (relational) perspective when it comes to manifesting what may seem to be personal and individual goals. After all, manifestation is ultimately a team sport. From time-to-time, my wife has to remind me of that (ouch, I’m stepping on my own toes).
The Significance of Transits
In Astrology, the birth chart serves as the foundation – the base line from which all other types of readings will hinge on, including the transit reading. As the planets move through the sky, they activate certain points in the birth chart; thus, they set the current environment. And manifestation is very much an environmental phenomenon.
Simply, the birth chart represents the environment at your birth, and the transiting planets represent the environment of the present or future. By having the baseline of the birth chart, you can then assess how the current environment is forming an energy vortex for you to maneuver through.
For example, transiting Pluto has recently been in a retrograde phase at 26 degrees of Capricorn. Let’s say you have the sun at 26 degrees of Virgo in your 10th house. The two planets have been in a trine relationship – a favorable time for transformation of your finances and career life. If you were looking to make a career change, while Pluto is retrograde you would want to be cognizant of RE-assessing your current situation: whether you have felt restricted; the overall condition of your finances and how you manage them; and rather you are holding on to something that has run its course. While Pluto is retrograding, you could look at it as the crucial seed planting phase. And we all know that seeds take time to mature and grow.
Pluto turning direct (it went direct on October 9th) would then represent the evolution of the seed so that the new roots can emerge and create a new foundation. Thus, those times where the ground was being fertilized can begin to show evidence of an alchemical transformation (i.e. signs that the crop is growing).
The Power of Presence
Another key to manifesting consciously is to remain present. I know, that’s one of those online buzz phrases from the resurging “New Age” movement, but when it’s done authentically, it really works. By understanding what phase you’re moving in using your birth chart and current transits, you can remind yourself during tough phases to not abort mission.
Does this knowledge make life easier??
Well, yes and no. It’s easier because knowledge is power; it allows you to fully exercise your will. Conversely, just knowing that stormy weather is coming doesn’t negate the fact that it can be difficult to endure. But imagine if a hurricane was coming to your city and you had no knowledge of it. Its effects could be exponentially more devastating.
Learning to use your chart for manifestation, then, provides a way to prepare for any upcoming storms and not lose faith that your goal can and will be attained.
In summary, using your birth chart as the cornerstone to build from, you can gain key insight into what your strengths and weaknesses are, how to manage them, and to maneuver through the present environment. With these and other components in place, you can move from helplessly being tossed to and froe by the winds of change, to co-creating and manifesting the type of life you desire at a Soul level!
About the Author
The founder of 720 Astrology, Jamal Robinson practices a unique brand of Astrology that incorporates Etymology, Numerology, Kabbalah, Metaphysics and various other modalities to unveil hidden jewels of the Soul. To learn more about Jamal and the array of services he offers, visit his website.