On November 4th, 2021 at 4:14 pm cst, we have a new moon at 12 degrees Scorpio. This may possibly be the most important new moon of the year, as it occurs at the same time that Mercury exits its shadow. This provides an opportunity for more clarity in thought and communication, following a period of reflection, reconsideration and reconcile. To further add to the significance of this moment in time, November 4th is the pinnacle of the Hindu Diwali festival, which is the veneration of the goddess of prosperity and benevolence, Lakshmi. Because so many important energies are converging at this moment, I wanted to take a moment to provide some guidance and helpful suggestions to effectively maneuver in your life!
What is the New Moon?
The new moon could be likened to the fertilization of an egg. What follows is the period of gestation or the waxing of the moon. This is why the new moon is a prime time for seeding new intentions (an inner force). Just as a seed is an encased form of intelligence that is programmed to express in a certain way when nurtured, intentions are compressed forms of consciousness that are unpacked and unfolded through manifestation (the grasping and seizing of one’s intent).
To properly utilize the new moon’s power, though, there should be an understanding of the type of energy that is most readily available. A major way to accomplish this is by tracking what sign the new moon will be in.
The New Moon in Scorpio Explained
The student of Astrology can learn much by referring to agriculture. After all, ancient man relied on the science of Astrology to determine when to plant, nurture and harvest different forms of vegetation. As we diligently work to manifest a more desirable reality, it would be wise for us to follow suit when it comes to planting and cultivating our intentions.
The Scorpio new moon is considered to be one of the more fortunate times for seed planting, as the watery, contracting soil is eager to receive the seed and create a new life. But what type of vegetation is ideal to plant at this time??
According to the 1920 book, “Planting, Harvesting and Surgical Operations, etc,” the following will flourish under the Scorpio new moon: potatoes, beets, radishes and all garden vegetables. Let us superimpose this information into the manifestation world by recognizing what the latter mentioned crops have in common: deep roots. As a matter of fact, the words ‘root’ and ‘radish’ derive from the same Indo-European root family. Thus, this is the time to think about roots when it comes to manifesting during the waxing moon cycle.
The Fix is In
Astrologically speaking, there are three modalities: cardinal (action), fixed (security) and mutable (change). Because Scorpio is a fixed sign, it would behoove us to focus on the fixed energy this cycle. The fixed signs represent the times of the year when each season is at its strongest and most expressive stage. In the northern hemisphere, spring isn’t really spring until Taurus season, where the flowers have started to bloom and the sun is shining brighter. The heat of the summer blazes its hottest during Leo season. Winter is coldest in Aquarius, and Scorpio season is when the reality of fall and the demise of summer has taken hold.
Thus, these ultimate expressions of each season are associated with the fixed or secure signs. In keeping with this energy expression, those with an abundance of fixed energy in their chart naturally long for security and stability. While there is a definite downside to becoming overly fixated (pun intended) with maintaining the status quo, it is quite necessary to plant ROOTS – even though we know they are only for a season.
The Scorpio new moon is the perfect occasion to shift our minds into thinking about what areas of our lives we want to feel more secure in. Although change is inevitable in life, we can become like leaves blown in the wind if we are never grounded and rooted in solid Earth.
The Etymology of Security
Now that we’ve established a connection between the fixed energy of Scorpio and the root crops that are best to plant during the season, let’s now look at the etymological (root meaning – intended pun again) of the word ‘security.’ It is associated with two roots: cura and sue.
Here’s a breakdown of each root:
- Cura: care. Associated with the Latin words – cure, curative
- Sue: personal relations, one’s own; his, hers, its; hence, a group as a small unit
It should also be noted that the word ‘self’ comes from the root sue just like security. Astrologically, the self is associated with the sun, the sign of Leo and the 5th house in the birth chart. Let us deduce, then, that we’re dealing with the care and cure of our own light (sun). As a matter of fact, this is the theme of all the fixed signs.
In Taurus, the light is just starting to emerge. In Leo, it is shining brightest. But in Scorpio, it is buried beneath the ground, being cultivated, cared for – and even cured.
By dealing with the light at the ROOT level.
An Invitation to You
You are invited to take a look at your birth chart – at the Scorpio house. Based on the house it’s placed in, what area of your life is being impacted? During this new moon, start shifting your mental power there and imagine a greater sense of security – not in being stuck there, but to have the confidence to do whatever is necessary to cultivate that energy for your Soul evolution.
If you’d like to join me in my new moon ritual, then here’s what I’ll be doing:
- From the 4th until the 19th, I’ll be writing the word ‘security’ 45 times in my journal each day.
- I will recite the word 45 times after writing it.
- Each day, I will reflect on what security means to me, inviting it into my subconscious mind – the realm of the psyche where Scorpio presides.
One of the ultimate purposes of learning Astrology is to become a co-creator in your reality. Instead of being grabbed by the heavenly bodies, be empowered. Taking into account and acting on what you’ve learned here can be of tremendous help!
About the Author
The founder of 720 Astrology, Jamal Robinson practices a unique brand of Astrology that incorporates Etymology, Numerology, Kabbalah, Metaphysics and various other modalities to unveil hidden jewels of the Soul. To learn more about Jamal and the array of services he offers, visit his website.